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1916's 1972: Technocracy Peaking



Puce Xs are concentration (not death) camps, puce squares mines (worked by prisoners, people caught using cursive, cremation and Dvorak keyboard resistors, those who've called cryonics or Esperanto a fad one time too many, and opponents of metrication and freeways), big empty circles major commercial crops, blue stick-and-balls oil (coal's still important), white lines high-speed rail (Vice-President LaRouche failed to get a vactrain system). It's a world of grids and resources and currents. This shows the disposition of WWIII just before the Bombs start dropping.

The 50s sees a heavy convergence between the ten technocratic Systems--with even ideas of a world state animating the inter-technocracy compacts of the era, against the actual cold war against several similar powers that increasingly reflect one another. WWII has a dual role: it proved that technocracy greatly facilitates war as well as peace, and that more management (and emotional repression) is needed to prevent "Man's dark side from bursting forth and causing war." The party line is that it's the most peaceful and healthy era in all human existence (i.e., they've outsourced any violence or misery, and they're also misrepresenting past and present anyway). However, the old belief that "humanist" scientists were peace-loving has entirely collapsed for the public: those objecting to poisoning chimps or planning nuclear winter aren't opposed because they know the equations. WWII and this Cold War can't be moralized as existential: it's hard to say if democracy/the race will be extinguished if "we" lose if everyone's a technocracy and there's eight of 'em. Only Russia really lost WWII, so all the technocrats can claim victory. The left is bought off with planning, the right with militarization, and the center with corruption (it's not an inefficient pathology--the Mob lets the System outsource domestically). There's "closed" research cities, some of them quite dark.

Economically workers are faced with Taylorist speed-up, a hierarchy of cities, giant mechanized ranches and plantations, consolidation, oil and strontium spills, wartime quotas, and dilution of pollution. Management style is "When this man tells you to walk, you walk; when he tells you to sit down, you sit down, and you don't talk back at him," since management, not labor, is believed to increased production. The solution is always more infrastructure, industry, fertilizer, antibiotics, vaccines, and DDT--just set it and forget it (until it leads to spiraling ecological and social disaster--in the 50s rather than the 60s, development undermining itself). But there's also land reform (and local credit and markets) as well as big ranches and suburbs, so it's not like 70s Mexico or 20s Japan. The regulation means TTL actually comes into the 80s with more small and medium businesses than OTL: the economy isn't collectivist, but there's communes, co-ops, untamed artisan and farmer unions, and Owenite megacorps. Garbagemen, firefighters, and bridge-builders are well-paid. The market doesn't take over every aspect of life--though managerialism does. Infrastructure is laid to serve everyone, not just the auto and aerospace industries. White and black slavery are problems, and the plentiful pirates have air and submarine support (lots of them are East Asian ex-captains).

Culturally, eugenics has never been discredited and there's still "Moron Institutions": women are fully equal if they're okay with pink-collar work and permanent maternity leave, and an M.D. can order you to do anything. Unmarried mothers' newborns are taken from them and forcibly adopted. Nudity is legal, prostitution semilegal and inspected, and euthanasia semi-mandatory (for financial reasons). White superiority is sublimated into technocratic supremacy--the System's simply stronger, faster, and better; it extends its beneficence to all races: if we're attacking a culture it's simply because its members are victims thereof and have to be "snapped out of it" and "broken" of superstitious patterns that have a hold over them. Homophobia is mostly denounced to pick on the religious or Black. Mass exercise replaces bloodsports. There's plenty of high-rises, but they're not abandoned to crime--but, since everything's an open meritocracy, the attitude is that one's poverty is a choice (and that everyone's fundamentally interchangeable). China, Africa, and Latin America see persecutions like Mao's Four Olds Campaign (or 20s Mexico, USSR, and Turkey), and the narrative is still "white men rescuing brown women from brown men." The humanities are strictly Classicist, and there's girl-meets-tractor paintings. But innovative and real art and literature are hardly suffering: they're well-funded for their own sakes. Jews are still seen as Mideastern and alien in worship (despite the state-appointed rabbis): there's plenty of Jewish technocrats, but other Jews are conflated with the Red Menace, same as the Christian and Muslim "menaces." Fezzes, veils, and turbans are only legal in Morocco and East Asia: everyone else has the equal freedom to wear suit and tie. Walter Freeman rampages through frontal lobes until WWIII (whereupon the Establishment pretends they opposed this sort of woo-woo from the get-go). TV is either classy opera or drivel about incompetent miners.

Politically, TTL has the advantage of effective and efficient management (despite paternalism)--there's a guarantee of basic competence as well as expertise. Society's not a sea of mediocrity but an (alleged) meritocracy encouraging people to excel, valuing the skilled, creative, intelligent, and ambitious. There's also vicious competition within the organs regulating competition, one branch working to isolate and attack another. "Political" is a dirty word (like under OTL McCarthyism): it means the wrong sort of politics, the Systems disguising themselves as apolitical and comprehensive. Non-technical administrators and lawmakers are chosen from a nonpartisan list: "mental criminality" or a "cretin" parent disqualifies you from voting; Reds, Greens, and Christians are sometimes seen as genetically defective, but they aren't being antiseptically gassed. The politics is like that of the PRI, the INC, the post-1980 CCP, McNamara's Best and Brightest, or Singapore--a conservative state with revolutionary rhetoric. The Systems are all designed to be revolution-proof: there's the occasional street protest dragging administrators out of their offices, and even major and unexpected changes--but the System endures. In Germany and East Asia the leaders especially see themselves as seizing and leading the mob. Latin America and China use force. The Systems are all "totalitarian" in the sense that they fight total war and "wage total peace" and "total prosperity" otherwise. Secret societies (like in 1770-1920) remain notable, the Masons and Mormons plotting to make the world more nerdy vs. the synarchists demanding magical fascism.

Ideologically, the technocracy above the local level is barking mad: some of them are upset by the idea of a square root to –1. Structurally, there's no castes or stagnation, and resources and urban surveys are thorough--but leave no ways of measuring other than those used in manufacturing and still valuating everything by number. There's no cynical Inner Circle (the Systems obviating the need for leadership per se), but an ideologically-synchronized summit of management experts, taking pride in their "creative" isolation and blind to their terrifying stuntedness. Nonetheless, they really do work harder than anyone else. To them, a society's goal is to order its surroundings, demanding discipline, diligence, obedience, precision, and efficiency--production, not creativity or satisfaction. Authority is the product of knowledge: we have only to discover the laws, and we won't need to make choices or take responsibility. Only they think that the truth matters and that we need real-world solutions--in fact, they're the only ones who think at all! Fear's just a distracting chemical reaction: what the masses--perishing beasts living in a slack-jawed haze--mistake for thought is just emotion. And indeed the consumers are themselves willing to relinquish human identity to become boobs--machines that feel, love, work, hate. Thought exists to save us from error--motivated by fear of being in error unless "sufficiently proven": this means that opposition can never be "sufficiently" proven. Fear is ended by ending aversion, by conditioning to accept any eventuality in order to overcome one's intrinsic need for balance or scruples. Stifling the deepest repugnance is the necessary first step to this science. Scientists and teachers especially have a pastoral role because of their unique thinking abilities, working to replace police, priests, managers, teachers, and therapists with cybernetic self-regulation. 

Control is psychological rather than emotional: there's no need for repression if society's well-fed and mentally "healthy." The System is even called anti-authoritarian because it's scientific and critical: it's self-correcting and thus NEVER WRONG, declaring that its constant ass-pulls means "there's nothing we haven't already thought of." Everyone shares in the System (the same way we pretend that technology's power belongs to all of us). Unlike the NKVD--where the Damoclean sword was closest to the enforcers--controls without "aversive" consequences prevent violence by ingraining "automatic goodness": promotions are strictly controlled. Panoptic surveillance ensures compliance even when not supervised, control covert and internalized. Minds and motives are mere natural law, surrendering like steam and electricity had in the previous century. The conditioners are rather disgusted by the artificial consciences, the modular ersatz feelings, the new motives and thinking they've installed. They hate seeing so many satisfied with an illusion of meaning--one that comes at the expense of futility in the Managers' own lives! Notwithstanding, the controllers (themselves not really motivated by power or money or impunity or even the control itself) are seeing the limits of linguistics and behaviorism: conditioning and language are just not enough to limit dissent, and propaganda, disinfo, and surveillance only raise the barriers and buy time--not prevent challenge from within.

Their mission is to make the planet Man's property: farms are designed like they're spaceships, trying to substitute ecology outright--cattle stacked six stories indoors, powered by the Atom and shielded by weather control. They're yields, not plants or animals--carpets of crops. Even farm animals are too unruly! We can't possibly be dependent on any environment--just pump more N, P, and K into failing soils and concoct new antibiotics and pesticides if resistance develops; "our transportation crisis will be solved by a bigger plane or a wider road, mental illness with a pill, poverty with a law, slums with a bulldozer.Science is the endgoal of all human activity--a harmonious new lifestyle of urban comfort and rural idyll, energy too cheap to meter and a 4-hour workweek. Education and informed labor can overcome any problem: technological progress means social progress and science is the endpoint of all revolution--so there's no need for the latter anymore! Technocracy offered an idyllic end to all pain, and would eventually wipe death itself from the mind of Man--benzodiazepine now and immortal godhood later. Given enough time we'll get it right. Betterment brings us to the point of perfection--of mortal divinity, a Heaven on Earth, reentering the Garden by eating from the Tree, robing ourselves in the constellations and wielding the fundamental constants of physics like thunderbolts. Our upcoming collective Godhood of course conflicted with the Everglades' existence--a mistake like the Aral. Life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness "have only a minor bearing on the survival of a culture," requiring an arms race to strengthen one's own system, so it's not outmatched and then destroyed by another.

Science is a sort of perfected spirituality, a faith to live by, providing us with meaning for life rather than "resorting to superstition"--a faith seen as a hard fact, masking its nature. Just as all problems are problems of management and engineering, only that which is measurable is real. Tradition and religion are merely flawed prototypes for science. The technocrats see metaphysics as a competing system to science--not another dimension of life, or a field of investigation and interpretation with insights to bring to bear on life. Emotional and spiritual life only impedes Progress: we must be mechanized, just as labor is reduced by technology to technique, eradicated by being perfected. Sex is sometimes an obstacle to civilization, governability, and organization--birth and death offenses to Man's dignity, the flesh no longer pleasing (though of course each technocrat has plenty of affairs, or none).

They believe themselves to have no beliefs, so they don't address and examine them; they insist that everyone else leave their "culture" and personal "beliefs" at the door, pretending that worldviews and parts of life are eccentricities for after-hours. The transcendent is reified: immortality is just indefinitely prolonged mortality and godhood is achievable through machinery. There's actually a note of panic here--the past was supposed to give way to modernity once and for all, but people still aren't satisfied with technocracy: they're provincial and not nice, unlike us, who're the default for Mankind! The Golden Rule merely means Nice People in nice neighborhoods--to whom enemies foreign and domestic want to do Bad Things to. All their covering of their own tracks and history produces a vulnerability: they hate Freud but therefore unwittingly and crudely duplicate his maddest views. They've replaced ontology with epistemology: answering "how" also answers "why" and cause is made into purpose. (This is like how OTL British internationalists like Wells thought that transcending petty nationalism meant that everyone would read Shakespeare and drink five o'clock tea.) Purging theology only produces a crude Jack Chick parody: they seriously point out that nobody's seen God through a telescope and pretend to be battling false certitude, "privilege," and religious omertà. They're unaware that there's contradictions in or precedents for their beliefs, thinking them the logical product of one long upward swing, a grand trajectory that really belongs to everyone. They believe they've purged outside influence, so they end up completely slaved to some eccentric thinker. Monotheism is replaced by Man, an abstract figure erasing any diversity within Himself (meaning of course He's entirely a reflection of the technocrats) and laden with God's old titles and attributes, inheritor of the universe--eventually turning all of it into Himself, forever.

Mistaking naïveté for the hardest realism and separating means from ends only to then confound the two produces some really warped values that attempt to eliminate competing philosophies by saying that they're scientific and that science has no background or context. A lack of attention to the values by which they make criticisms, ignorance of history and the origins of thought, and a belief that they have no perspective (only a total orthographic objectivity, Godlike once more) makes them way more dangerous than any self-serving, power-tripping Inner Party. It's not even that they've erased traditional morality in favor of "humanist" benevolent impulse--a good without a Good, a Confucianism without the Tao: that would just leave them with hedonism and the piling-up of knowledge for its own sake. It's not even unique because it sees the world as a congeries of mere things, of individuals as replaceable parts of the whole, that the dead never left and "live on" in us and future generations, that guilt's an illusion and there can be no malum in se, or that morality's just an algorithm. No, what's happened is a view that biosphere and body are ultimately waste matter--that humanity itself is replaceable, that the only important thing is an intellect seeking facts and freed from any feeling as the only purpose in the universe. The galaxy's only there to support Man, solely because He can do science and give meaning to dead matter. We ourselves are basically a type of computer--probably not even really conscious: freedom, dignity, free will, and thought are illusions, relics of outdated mysticism, alarming, disgusting pagan relics. We have to stop personifying people--our behavior is like that of a falling rock, and you don't question or reconceptualize a rock! Their view is not even dehumanized, but incapable of even thinking there could be danger in dehumanization. Mystery and complexity are mere ignorance (to be cleared up given enough time) and not the transcendence inherent in life itself: nothing is beyond their total reach and all life is a solvable puzzle. The social and spiritual dimensions that people live in is ignored by the System, leading to a total focus on the body in order to bring about total disembodiment.

There's no exception or exemption to the One Set of Rules that's the neutral default for all humans: any opposition is clearly wrong and no argument even needs to be made: the analyses are already done and there's no need for further investigation. They don't argue, they hand down facts that some refuse to hear: opposition can therefore only be ridiculed. Technocrats don't understand what they're attacking and don't see why they should. Reality itself supports the technocrats' view and any dissent is gratuitous and wanton wish-fulfillment. Science is the only way of thought and the only producer of knowledge, its views the only ones possible, and dissent's only allowed on the System's own terms. Science has everyone figured out and anything complex is really simple and 100% explainable. The future will bring ultimate omniscience, a world of totally readable and predictable automata, the cosmos in toto predicted all at once. Knowledge already matches reality, just think of how we could rewrite reality once we've been to every planet!

Life's a subset of physics. Any consideration of the human element is "bias," and they're vocally contemptuous of philosophy, morality, metaphysics, anthropology, history, and theology, ignoring their tools and concepts as "bygones" that haven't kept up with technology and thus declared no longer relevant. Whatever isn't science is both irrational and really not worthwhile. Their rationalism ridicules  ethics, aesthetics, and metaphysics, but is incapable of generating values of its own, trying to become an end unto itself. Dissenters are ill-informed, to be cured or disabused like a hysterical mother. Society develops like an individual, from childish primitives to scientific adulthood: scientists are the species's only true adults, in fact. Insult and offense are unthinkable, alien words to them--it's wrong when others do it, and self-evidently right when they do it. This version of science is never wrong precisely because it can "change its mind" at the drop of an experimental hat--it's basically an abusive boyfriend.

This changed in the 60s: technocracy finally paid attention to the "human factor," since abstracted inattention to the social dimension was causing immense crises: you can only buy off everyone without actually listening to them for so long, and Fordist cooptation only goes so far. Even in the 50s the Systems no longer ignored local conditions, ending up with data that includes local views and knowledge, allowing for a shared understanding between top and bottom--though still neglecting ends for means. The System makes itself willing to listen and constantly improves its responsiveness, and not just for utility and expediency. The humanities' "unscientific" insights supplement the datasets--there's regimentation, but also the diverse and indescribable. WWII had caused a crisis when the technocrats could no longer say "everything has a clear, obvious, and simple answer, and here it is." The 50s also saw an embryonic movement among cybernetists toward sufficiency rather than infinite growth via novel technologies. 

They refuse to underestimate human potential and there's lots of room for spontaneity: it's a not smothering Big (Non)government-(Non)business combine: it has horizontal as well as pyramidal relations and encouragement of unconsolidated activity. Guidebooks and quality data encourage community feeling and people aren't treated as an assembly-line manufactured element; society's needs and individuals perfecting their skills are both taken care of. The Systems allow for real engagement and friendship: citizens aren't blocked from direct experiences, not rendered degenerate or dependent. Technocracy's avowed goal is to maximize, facilitate, and enhance the whole human experience, to let people develop their own potential; they measure Gross National Happiness and understand that people are motivated by will, not just reason or interest. There's even scientific and humanities "rebellions" demanding a real addressing of environment, race, gender, theology--to face up to what's been denied, rather than a mere spiritual crisis of boredom. However, Marcusian insights take longer to sink in because there's no ethnicities left out of being bought off, and hypocrisy is different from OTL's Washington, Moscow, Paris, and Prague.

The 60s humanized technocracy, but also made it tighter and pervasive, an organism without parts rather than a bureaucratic, micromanaging machine. People are now recognized as living beings who want to create, study, and work, and not machines formed entirely by genetics and reinforcement--but this just means new sorts of control. "Premodern" love, loyalty, modesty, and reverence are still unaddressed, with dissent redirected into individualism alone. The "labor sector" chafes under "parallelist" manager-picked leaders--not even a "labor aristocracy." As tensions mount, the Systems are not conformist so much as increasingly stifling, encouraging self-control and -censorship--you don't need regimentation if you find those ways in which people really are interchangeable. Benefits are more equally distributed than OTL, but TTL has also painted itself into a corner by the 70s. Reforms are just a patch to ensure that quiescence, scientific progress, and the Fordist dispensation can keep on going--to mollify the popular groups so they can be ignored for the Great Work of Man. The reaction to reform says that cigarettes and fallout are good for you, and Dow and Bayer are certain that one day they'll develop a pesticide without any consequence. It's body-purist Grundyism to worry about pollution, the "nozzleheads" say: a government must be fully committed to agrochemicals and dechristianization, or else it'll delay the end to hunger and ignorance. There's tension between the small farmers and the fake food; they have PB&J sandwiches (heirloom pear, brie, and jambon) as well as watery tomatoes and waterier chicken.

The course of the 20th c. is less ideologically sharp: tensions dating from before WWI still haven't been resolved. The Anglo-American Union still has desegregated racism (Abercrombie-and-Fitch-style) and an antireligious Puritanism: porn, booze, circumcision, and smoking have been intermittently banned by the states, and c-sections, tonsillectomies, braces, and appendectomies are overdone and treated as rites of passage: vaccination is surrounded by sacramental ritual. Aversion therapy is used against sexual fetishes, though it had been used against Quakers and Jehovah's Witnesses in the 40s to train them out of their vexillophobic nonconformism. Southern culture is attacked more than other regions': Jim Crow is completely erased by 1940 and the South's neat hierarchy of cities in each state makes technization easier. Black (and white) "sacrifice zones" are still used for labor and waste dumping. There's Brazilian-style colorism and sick jokes by Management, and de-kinkers and bleaches are still sold into the 80s--but open race-baiting is completely repressed within the hierarchy. 50s US protests are not over race but over the System's imposition: locals win control of things like teacher exams and library fundraising: the real fight is against being rendered pliable and marginal. While Eurasia uses the military against rebellions, the US forces racial integration and general compliance (and Britain against the colonies when "necessary"). Oceania's "Psi Cops" (Psychological Corps) mainly handle cases of race and religion.

The lower classes occupy themselves with entertainments and constant festival days--at least one Whoville-level show and shopping frenzy a month. It's a pushbutton Tartarus for the middle classes, with burger chains and malt shops plugged into the urban food pipelines. The CPUSA is quietly squeezed out by 1960, but the "TVA socialists" aren't purged: radical critique of the System is delayed, especially with no Vietnam. The dollar and pound are reevaluated according to energy and production, the "state" encourages economies of both scale and scope, and small farmers and farmhands are cushioned so the Midwest doesn't empty out so completely. Britain starts looking rather Clockwork Orange and tightens its colonial control to please the Col. Blimp types, making them dumping-grounds for "antisocial" undesirables; it's a multi-tiered system, with African officials in Africa but no equality of movement to the Home Islands. Africa gets bullet trains to keep the isolated colonies from wigging out, and Nairobi has cocaine-fuelled hunts. Bardolatry's back, and there's still right-populist fear of the grand Anglo-Masonic-Irish-Chinese-Commie-Jewish-Mexican-Black Conspiracy. There's regular civil examinations in schools. The 60s sees hedonism, but rebelliousness and new ways of thinking that focus on sex, race, history, and context are delayed until around WWIII. Proto-Oceania has avoided the contrived, deliberate rightward shifts of OTL 1919-20, 1947-52, or 1979-94As the French attacks heated up in the Caribbean 1970, the states and provinces were all "rationalized" by Rexford Tugwell, just as the Latin supranational combines had abolished the old countries; the U.S. and Britain were also the last combine to introduce the internal passport.

Europe resembles OTL US more: the Left is smothered and the coups stay within the garrisons; everyone loves to hike. Fortunately, even the Ottoman camps rarely go beyond extermination through labor. Germany favors factories and welfare and leads in tech and culture as in OTL: class is fluid and there's even "national-socialism." There's a lot of Jewish bureaucrats at the lower levels of the quasimilitary regime. It's very industrialized, but has less consumer goods than France or the specialist Italies' industry and handicraft, food, cars, fashion, and corporate 'Ndrangheta. France is hi-tech, leading in planes, trains, rockets, and reactors under de Gaulle and Luc Ferry; it leads from 50s neo-Decadence and Beaux-Arts to 60s abstract expressionism, Pop, and an even more playful PoMo because of even more quick-build postwar Brutalism. At the same time the French right wing revalorizes the past, even building up a White Legend for the Inquisition (gotta make it look good before restoring it!). Siri becomes Pope Gregory XVII 1958, but he's not wildly different from John XXIII and the John Pauls, given the circumstances. Russia has lots of titles and ornaments for Zhukov and Tukhachevsky; it's crawling with German and French advisors (continuing the tsarist trend). The factory-oligarchs are in a cold war with the remainders of the landholding nobility and north Kazakhstan's already a dust bowl. More terrifyingly, Russia's also calls itself the Third Rome and has a nightmare "scientific spiritualism" to go with its "scientific socialism": they're belligerent and fight Germany as often as they do India or China. They still have the Old Bolsheviks around, so there's not OTL's huge gap in the Russian vision.

Japanese nationalism peaked in the 50s: the elites dissolved in frustration over Vietnam and Germany's unfriendly forts and everyone's frustration at being made to sexy for the "Emperor" all the time. The birthrate crashes and soldiers and administrators are brought home. It has Emperor-worship, Japanese uniqueness, a military-bureaucratic solution to problems, "right-socialism," and war-happy zaibatsu--but it was less sharp than OTL 1936-44: it had moderate success 1945-56 against Russia and, more importantly, the Inter-Oceanic treaties plant Japanese ports and advisors from Karachi to Majuro. Koreans, Ainu, Taiwanese, and Ryukyuans get some autonomy. The Chinese supply cheap labor for heavy industry and human subjects for medicine. There's anime TTL, at least. The Chinese have some room for Strasserist right-socialism and in fact end up more influential within the East Asian bloc than even the IJA. Japan and China get land reform once the military sides with the zaibatsu rather than the Junkers.

Latin America is increasingly influenced by France, inspired by Algerian veterans "defending Western Civilization" through torture-murder. Alliance-for-Progress-type programs keep debt flowing north and lead flowing south into students. Argentina and Brazil encourage German immigration midcentury: they're quite friendly to the Fulcrum, and flip-flop constantly. LA elites have disdained Latin Americans since 1860, so impersonal, dehumanizing Bureaucratic Authoritarianism comes naturally: it's slightly less repressive than the Turkish and Japanese blocs, and Costa Rica (1948) and Honduras (1963) manage to disarm (OTL too) and Vargas's Brazil announces it's achieved "racial democracy." TTL's LA warfare is interstate as much as it is domestic. France encourages LA Catholic reaction, but Liberation Theology is unaffected as promises are increasingly unmet, merging into a social-democratic movement with Catholic theology (like IRL Honduras's XtnDems before the 90s). The Andes like reform and incorporation more than reliance on the army, which is often full of Reds. LA actually gets higher rural wages than OTL, but growth is still decoupled from export, so the campesinos are perceived as ungrateful, unappreciative, short-sighted confabulators. The Sandinos, Martís, Amaya Amadors, and Presteses are managed rather than jailed, but their message--a radical and non-technocratic Marxism--still goes out amidst exploitation.

In the long run, the Africans aren't staying bought off with their jobs as clerks, accountants, lawyers, doctors, biology and agronomy researchers, lab techs, mail carriers, factory workers, rail and cable layers, or merchants (alongside the Indo-African traders). There's African and Indian administrators at the top, embracing technocracy (as in OTL 60s): the idea is to have a world where colonial risings are bought off with profit-sharing and/or repression, but the edifice is large yet rotting and combining Qaddafi and Mubarak's approaches isn't enough. British Africa gets autonomy, Portuguese Africa corruption, and French Africa industrialization. Africa's agro-industrialization leads to chemical/mechanical agriculture and enormous social rearrangement for the crops' sake, in turn leading to dispossession, dependency, and guerrillas. The Afrikaners, bridling under the Oceanic thumb, turn to racism and the figure of Sir Francis Drake. Russia, Africa, Asia, the Mideast, and LA try force-industrialization once production stagnates. Autonomy, local (puppet) rule, and efforts to reduce intercontinental inequalities don't really blunt the artisan-crippling effects of extending mass production to the Third World. Intensive and extensive agriculture only ends up increasing population (requiring ever-more innovation and crop improvement), enhancing ecological and economic deformation and further painting humanity into a corner. Cheap Third-World labor within each currency bloc holds down the inflation. There's Great-Leap-level disasters--in the name of ending "hand-to-mouth misery" of course--in Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Tanganyika, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Mali, Angola, Arabia. These Leaps all contain an immense tension between scientistic objectivism and scientistic human mastery of nature--indeed, eventual material omniscience and omnipotence. The lack of Soviet and Chinese examples and a tighter technocracy delays OTL's late-50s risings to TTL's late 60s, but unresolved tensions mean plenty of Communists no longer advocating for technocracy. These suit-and-tie Reds emphasize autonomy more than modernization: as colonial wars turn to proxy wars the units read a lot of Marx and Fanon and Gramsci and Castro (who are all well-dressed dissident academicians).

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AmineGherensi's avatar
Amazing TL. Horrifying as it is, it would indeed be fascinating to see how a 'science or nothing' civilization would fare.